OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS • PHOTOCOPIABLE. Unit 1. 1A Personality. Exercise 1 page 4. 1 shy 2 nasty 3 serious 4 stupid 5 weak 6 polite. 7 generous 8 talkative 9 It's really cool. 1 smartphone 2 ebook reader 3 hard disk recorder.
Unit 1 Grammar practice - WordPress.com 1 I haven’t seen Maria she came to my brother’s party. 2 She’s crying because she’s hurt her hand. 3 My moped is broken, but I haven’t taken it to the garage . 4 He’s taken part in several photography competitions, but he’s never won anything. 5 We stayed in London two days before we went to Scotland. Grammar unit 1 - INS La Pineda 2 Complete the sentences with the correct past simple form of the verbs. 1 He _____ (meet) some friends in the park at the weekend and they _____ English File:upper-intermediate teacher's book
Answer key - EnglishCanónigo Sep 12, 2014 · OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS better. Oxford University Press - homepage Oxford University Press is a department of the University of Oxford. It is our mission to further the University's objective of excellence in research, scholarship, and education by publishing worldwide. Contents Photocopiable © Oxford University Press 2 2 2 Reinforcement 2 Unit 1 Circle. Write. a ng r y c o l d t h i r s t y s a d h a p p y t r e d h u gr y h o t Write. NAME CLASS ENGLISH FILE - CEPA La Manchuela
youreflcorner.files.wordpress.com Grammar and Vocabulary Unit 1 Grammar be: present simple 1 Match the subject pronoun to the correct form of Vocabulary Family 6 Choose the correct option. Crime VOCABULARY - INGLÉS 1 Oxford University Press España www.oupe.es Photocopiable 1 MARCH 2011 / ESO 3 - ESO 4 Crime A. You are going to read a text about crime writers. Complete the table with vocabulary related to crime. Use a dictionary if necessary. 18 be: affirmative, negative, questions and short answers (1)
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